Monday, May 14, 2012

Thank you Mom!

Dear Mom,

When I was young, I remember waking up, sitting on top of our staircase, staring blankly and thinking I wouldn't see you until you come home from work that night. I was a kid and all I wanted was for my mom to be there when I wake up each day.

I know we've been through a lot and we'll always have our differences. But I still love you no matter what.

Thank you for taking care of me when I was sick. Thank you for staying late every night just to review our homework and teach us our lessons. Thank you for buying me things I need and don't need. Thank you for cleaning my room when I'm too lazy to do it myself. Thank you for always saying I'm not fat even if I am. Thank you for listening to my problems. Thank you for always supporting my decisions. Thank you for not forcing from me the answers to uncomfortable questions. Thank you for teaching me to be strong.

Happy Mother's Day!

I might not say this a lot but I love you and I miss you. See you (and dad) in five days!

Your daughter,

I'm no athlete but this video hit me right where it matters. Thank you to all the moms in the world! This is for you!

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